Welcome to Year 1!
Autumn Term
In Autumn Term we are looking at our local area in a 6 week Geography unit. We are mapping our school, our houses in the community and what other places are in our local area. We will be going on a local walk before looking at important places in Hackney. 
In the second half of the Autumn Term we are looking at where is colder than Hackney. We will be comparing cold, hot and temperate climates and looking at seasonal changes in different areas of the world. We will also be looking at the different Poles on a globe. 
Keep your eyes on the website for any pictures of things we get up to.  
Year 1 enjoyed making a 3D map of our school in class. We went around and looked at all the rooms and spaces that our building has, before making it come to life. We had a great time and enjoyed thinking about where stairs would be and also the lift!
Year 1 loved going on their local walk around Hackney. We looked at the places that we have in our local area. We saw restaurants, churches, Mosques and more. 
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This week we talked about the weather in Hackney. We talked about storm Ciaran and the effect these storms had on the country. Many children had a go at creating a weather report. Check out one of our weather reports!