

The Nightingale reading curriculum follows a clearly defined pathway from the earliest letter recognition to the keen and competent readers that leave us in year 6.  Our extensive library of books is constantly developed, following the children’s interests and responding to current themes and favourite authors.  Reading is taught every day, for every child.  In Key Stage 1 we follow the highly effective Read Write Inc. phonics programme.  In Key Stage 2 we use Hackney’s Destination Reader programme to introduce children to a wide range of authors, whilst ensuring that they develop the skills of effective readers. Children who may struggle to read are identified early and support is put in place for their needs.  This ensures that all children quickly gain confidence and learn the joy of reading.

Read Write Inc

 Read Write Inc is a popular systematic, synthetic phonics programme used from Nursery through to Year 2 to ensure that every child learns to read confidently.  Children learn in small groups at their personal level and frequent assessments let us see how their knowledge is developing.  Children who are struggling also receive 1:1 tutoring.  Every child takes home two books each week which contain the sounds that they know so that they can practice at home.  Parents are also sent daily videos of their child's current sounds so that they know exactly which sounds to practice with their child.  

Destination Reader 

Destination Reader is a reading programme developed by Hackney Education that is extremely successful in ensuring that all children learn the key skills of a competent reader whilst also being exposed to a wide range of literature that will inspire them to read more.  These daily lessons across Key Stage 2 last approximately 45 minutes. You can download a map below which shows you the 'Core' texts that each class will study.  In addition to this, students work in small groups to read books which are matched to their current level.  Every term they complete an Accelerated Reader assessment which allows staff to pick up any children who would benefit from additional tutoring.  

Reading for Pleasure

Nightingale has a beautiful library overlooking Hackney Downs Park that is stocked with thousands of the latest titles covering a diverse range of authors and themes.  We choose our books carefully and in collaboration with our children so that the library reflects their interests.  Every child from Nursery-Year 6 visits the library once a week to choose a book to 'Read for Pleasure'.  Through this we ensure that every child loves and values books and reading.