

The curriculum for literacy at Nightingale uses beautiful children’s literature to inspire and enthuse our pupils.  At every stage of their journey as authors, children are encouraged to play with new vocabulary and to edit their work themselves and with the support of their teacher.  Children regularly publish work on their ‘Proud Writers’ display boards in their classrooms.  Using our school newsletter and website, children also have the opportunity to gain a wider audience which gives purpose to their writing.    

Our curriculum follow The Literacy Company's 'Pathways to Write' scheme, which we chose because we love how every unit is based on an inspiring and beautiful book.  You can download an overview of the key texts that we follow below.  Children engage with the books and much of their writing is produced in response to the book as a stimulus.  

Handwriting is developed through the Read Write Inc programme and re-enforced using the Nelson handwriting scheme.